Education Level:博士研究生
福建省科协委员、中国人工智能学会神经网络与计算智能专委会委员 、泉州市人工智能学会会长、先后获得福建省第三批”创新之星”(2022)、厦门市“双百计划”(2022)、福建省科技进步奖(2020,2022)、四川省科技进步奖(2021)、福建省医学科技进步奖(2021)、泉州市“港湾计划”高层次人才(第二层次)(2017)、吴文俊人工智能科技进步奖(2017)、福建省创新创业大赛奖(2016),主持福建省科技重大专项(2020)、泉州市第一批科技重大专项“揭榜挂帅”项目(2021)。从事仿生智能计算理论研究与应用(仿真建模、多目标优化方法、医学图像分析),主要科研成果:发表论文100余篇,其中SCI期刊论文70余篇,申请相关发明专利70余项(授权30余项),完成软件著作权60余项,主持或参与科研项目30余项。
1. A New Dataset and Baseline Model for Rectal Cancer Risk Assessment in Endoscopic Ultrasound Videos. MICCAI 2024.
2. Label relaxation and shared information for multi-label feature selection.Information Sciences 2024
3. Benchmarking Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning Methods in A Large Ultrasound Muti-task Images Dataset. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.2024
4. ECMS-NET:A multi-task model for early endometrial cancer MRI sequences classification and segmentation of key tumor structures. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.2024
5. SEG-LUS: A novel ultrasound segmentation method for liver and its accessory structures based on muti-head self-attention.Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics .2024
6. FHUSP-NET: A Multi-task model for fetal heart ultrasound standard plane recognition and key anatomical structures detection. Computers in Biology and Medicine .2024
7. TReal-time automatic assisted detection of uterine fibroid ultrasound images using deep learning detector.Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology .2023
8. Supervertex Sampling Network: A Geodesic Differential SLIC Approach for 3D Mesh. Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics .2023
9. Learning correlationBinformation for multi-label feature selection.Pattern Recognition.2023
10. TUSPM-NET: A multi-task model for thyroid ultrasound standard plane recognition and detection of key anatomical structures of the thyroid . Computers in Biology and Medicine .2023
11. Detection of cervical lesions in colposcopic images based on the RetinaNet method.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.2023
12. A hybrid evolutionary multi-task algorithm for multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows. Information Sciences.2023
13. RACNet: risk assessment Net of cervical lesions in colposcopic images. Connection Science.2023
14. Rapid identification of wild Gentiana genus in different geographical locations based on FT-IR and an improved neural network structure Double-Net. Molecules.2023
15. CTIFI: Clinical-experience-guided Three-vision Images Features Integration for Diagnosis of Cervical Lesions .Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.2023
16. Classification and diagnosis of cervical lesions based on colposcopy images using deep fully convolutional networks: a man-machine comparison cohort study. Fundamental Research.2023
17. Ultra-Attention: automatic recognition of liver ultrasound standard sections based on visual attention perception structures.Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.2023
18. Automatic Detection and Diagnosis of Thyroid Ultrasound Images Based on Attention Mechanism. Computers in Biology and Medicine.2022
19. An Automatic Counting Method of HeLa Cell Images Based on the Combination of Otsu and Watershed Segmentation. Microscopy Research and Technique.
20. Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection. Pattern Recognition.
21. Evolutionary multi-task optimization with hybrid knowledge transfer strategy. Information Sciences
22. Cervical Precancerous Lesions Classification using Pre-trained Densely Connected Convolutional Networks with Colposcopy Images. BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL.
23. Detection of Cervical Lesion Region from Colposcopic Images Based on Feature Reselection. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
24. Multi-Person PoseEstimation via Multi-Layer Fractal Network and Joints Kinship. Transactions on Image Processing
25. 一种自适应特征融合的多尺度相关滤波目标跟踪算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报
26. Fusion of color histogram and LBP-based features for texture image retrieval and classification, Information Sciences,390:95~111(2017)
27. Fusion of Deep Learning and Compressed Domain features for Content Based Image Retrieval,IEEE Transactions on image processing, 26(12):5706-5717(2017).
28. Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes .IEEE Transactions on image processing, 26(10):5070-5081(2017).
29. 一种结合时空上下文的在线卷积网络跟踪算法.计算机研究与发展。
30. Real-time Tracking via Deformable Structure Regression Learning. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
31. 3D Face Reconstruction via Feature Point Depth Estimation and Shape Deformation.22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
32. 基于DS 算法的玉米近红外定性分析光谱校正方法研究. 光谱学与光谱分析.